Anori - Sustainable Wind Turbines in The Arctic


Aterput Kalaallit Nunaannerpoq, Anori. Anori Kalaallit Nunaanni ingerlatsisuuvoq, Sisimiunilu sumiiffeqarluni. Suliffitta ilisarnaataa, tassaavoq anorimiit kaavittoq qaqqap qaavani inissisimasoq. Sumiikkaluaruttaluunniit anori misigisarparput, nunarsuaq tamakkerlugu, taamaattumillu nukissiutit ataavartut pigalutigit.


Anori offers a complete package for you as a customer. We provide financing for the entire energy project, we establish the data-based decision foundation prior to a decision on the establishment of a given energy plant, we build the energy plant, we operate and maintain the energy plant and then we sell the electricity to you. We provide financing for the entire energy project, we establish the data-based decision foundation prior to a decision on the establishment of a given energy plant, we build the energy plant, we operate and maintain the energy plant and then we sell the electricity to you. It could not be simpler.

Nutaarsiassat Kingulliit

Anorimiik nutaarsiassat kingulliit atuakkit.

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